My research career has been primarily in commercial fishery-related areas. Here are a few examples...
Self-portrait on Marion Island - spending a friendly moment with a wandering albatross.
The research vessel Ellen Khuzwayo off robben Island.
Researchers prepare a shark longline with baited hooks during a research cruise.
A broadnose sevengill cow shark is lifted on a cradle before being tagged and released.
Researchers deploy an experimental fish cage designed to retain tagged fish next to the vessel.
A researcher carefully inserts a small pit tag in a fish called a seventy four.
Measuring a smoothhound shark prior to tagging and releasing.
A tagged broadnose sevengill cowshark showing growth on the tag after a few years at sea.
Starting a demersal research trawl from the RV Africana.
The jaws of a small Etmopterus deepwater shark. They occur in depths of 200 to 500 metres.
Researchers measuring and recording biological data on west coast rock lobster.
The result of rapidly bringing fish to the surface is often damage to the swim bladder.
A smoothhound shark being released from its cradle after having been measured and tagged.
The otoloiths, or ear bones of a large red steenbras. These are used to determine the age of fish.
Researchers carry out measurements on a dead stranded humpback whale.
Taking samples for genetic records of a dead, stranded humpback whale.
Researchers try to determine the cause of death of a stranded humpback whale.
Colleagues pause for a moment while undertaking a seabird census on Marion Island, December 2010.
A researcher pauses to plan a route through a penguin colony during the seabird census.
My job as a boat skipper was to ensure safe delivery of researchers and equipment onto the Prince Edward islands.